aimZ blingZ is the handmade creations of Amy LaMasters.
Almost 5 years ago, no one would have called Amy, aka aimz, crafty and, if they had, she probably would have been offended. This all changed when aimz bought a small bag of acrylic rhinestones at the dollar store to "bling" her cel phone.
Since that day, aimz has added many new gadgets to her crafting tool box. Her crafting tools include embellishments with Swarovski crystals, jewelry making, knitting, cross stitch,sewing, rosettes, mod podge, painting frames and furniture... You never know what aimz is creating or what she is using to create it. As she is designing she makes every attempt to upcycle, recycle or refashion.
aimz is a Mom to 3 beautiful daughters and 2 handsome sons and has one grandson.
aimz worked in telecommunication customer service for over 25 years. After the second lay off in 5 years, she is returning to college and making an attempt at a craft business, through online and local sales in the Phoenix area.